HONAI: International Journal for Educational, Social, Political & Cultural Studies. This journal, with ISSN 2621-1653 (print) and ISSN 2621-3621 (online), was firstly published on May 2, 2018, in the context to commemorate the National Education Day in Indonesia. The HONAI journal has been managed and organized by the Lecturers of STISIP (College of Social and Political Sciences) Amal Ilmiah in Wamena, Papua, Indonesia, since issue of May 2018 to date; and published by Minda Masagi Suci, a publishing house owned by ASPENSI (the Association of Indonesian Scholars of History Education) in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia.
The HONAI journal is published every May and November. This journal is dedicated not only for Indonesian scholars who concern about Educational, Social, Political, and Cultural Studies, but also welcome to the scholars of Southeast Asian countries and around the world who care and share related to the above theme in general.
The HONAI journal is devoted, but not limited to, educational, social, political, and cultural matters, and any new development and advancement in the field of those matters. The scope of our journal includes: (1) Education and National Character Building; (2) Political, Social, and Cultural Matters; (3) History of Educational, Social, Political, and Cultural Matters; (4) Educational, Social, Political, and Cultural Development in the Context of Welfare Nation-State; (5) Science, Technology and Society in the Context of Educational, Social, Political, and Cultural Development; and (6) Religion and Philosophy in the Perspectives of Educational, Social, Political, and Cultural Context.
Since the firstly issued, the HONAI journal is based on OJS (Open Journal System) program at: www.journals.mindamas.com/index.php/honai. However, the conventional e-mail address for sending the articles is still able to: mindamas.journals@gmail.com

HONAI: International Journal for Educational, Social, Political & Cultural Studies,
Volume 3(1), May 2020.
Andi SUWIRTA, M.Hum.
Managing Editor of HONAI Journal; Senior Lecturer at the Department of History Education FPIPS UPI (Faculty of Social Studies Education, Indonesia University of Education); and Secretary-General of ASPENSI (Association of Indonesian Scholars of History Education) in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. E-mail: atriwusidna@gmail.com
Education is a conscious effort carried out systematically, and aims to make students to develop their potential and abilities optimally. Education also, in the context of the nation-state, is to develop quality of human resources, so that they can achieve a better, fairer, and more prosperous level of life for human beings throughout the world.
Such is the central role of education for the progress and welfare of humanity, so that many nation-states throughout the world provided a priority agenda in carrying out the development process. In every nation-state in the world, there is a Ministry of Education, whose main task is, in the context of the Republic of Indonesia for example, “[…] to advance public welfare, educate the nation's life, and participate in carrying out world order based on independence, lasting peace, and social justice”.
One of the frontline in the field of education is the educational institutions themselves, both from primary and secondary levels as well as higher education levels. It is within these educational institutions that the vision and mission of the nation-state – to realize progress, prosperity, justice, and human dignity – are reformulated and implemented in the process of education and teaching-learning. In this context, the role of the Government (Ministry of Education), Family (parents at home), and the Community (figures and organizations that care about education) are very important in synergizing the optimal implementation of the vision and mission of education.
The articles presented in the HONAI international journal this time, the May 2020 edition, still continue to discuss and examine educational problems. Articles are written by Lecturers from Nigeria, Indonesia, and the Philippines. This is an encouraging result, because readers of the HONAI journal can listen, follow, and take a comparison of the educational processes that take place in the three nation-states, which of course have historical, cultural, linguistic roots, and development programs and strategies differently in education. Someone's insights and knowledge, it seems, will be more extensive and beyond by going through a comparative learning process, in order to recognize the existence of elements of similarities and differences, as well as identifying the strengths and weaknesses of each.
The first article, written by Abdulganiyu Adebayo Tijani of Nigeria, entiled “Participatory Decision Making: An Effective Tool for School Effectiveness in Kwara State, Nigeria”. The article suggested, among others, that to achieve the educational goals and objectives, the school principal should develop managerial skills that will enhance effective participation of other school stakeholders. Involving all the stakeholders of the school in decision making will enable the principal to see other stakeholders as resources from which he/she can tap their knowledge and experience to bring about school effectiveness.
Second article, written by Endang Komara of Indonesia, entitled “The Challenges of Higher Education Institutions in Facing the Industrial Revolution 4.0”. The article stated that the Higher Education Institutions must formulate strategic policies in various aspects ranging from institutions, fields of study, curriculum, resources, as well as the development of cyber university, and developmental research to innovation. One of the primary steps that should be done by Higher Education Institutions is improve the management of Campus data and the information that must be conveyed to both for the educators and the educated.
Third article, written by Jerry B. Tolentino of the Philippines, entitled “Classroom Management Approach Preferences of Culturally Diverse Mathematics Learners”. The article examined that the most preferred Classroom Management Approach of indigenous student is the Business-Academic approach, while the non-indigenous student is the Success approach. The results will help create a positive classroom climate for effective teaching and learning process for better understating in Mathematics appropriate to the indigenous and non-indigenous learners in Mathematics.
Fourth article, written by Sunandie Eko Ginanjar of Indonesia, entitled “Realibility and Validity of Learning Autonomy for the First Middle School Student Based on Demography”. The article explained that this study specifically described the reliability and validity calculation of learning autonomy instruments. Validity and reliability are the most important things in compiling research instruments, because they can show that an instrument is in accordance with the construct that will be revealed and has a certain degree of measurement results.
Lastly, fifth article, written by Aminat Adeola Odebode of Nigeria, entitled “Awareness of Historical Development of Counselling and its Relevance among Nigerian Youth: Implications for Professional Counsellors”. The article showed that the participants are not aware that guidance and counselling is meant for all, old, young, male, and female. They are also not aware that the services also cover vocational, personal-social, marital among other areas. From this finding, professional counsellors should embark on mass publicity about the historical development of counselling and its relevance to human and societal development.
Do enjoy to reading the articles presented in the HONAI journal, may be useful.
Bandung, West Java, Indonesia: May 30, 2020.
Cover of HONAI Journal, May 2020's Edition:
Jointly Organized and Published by:
Since edition of May 2018 to edition of May 2019, the HONAI journal had been organized by STISIP (College of Social and Political Sciences) Amal ilmiah in Wamena, Papua; and published by Minda Masagi Press owned by ASPENSI (Association of Indonesian Scholars of History Education) in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. Websites: http://www.stisipai-wamena.ac.id and www.journals.mindamas.com/index.php/honai
The website of KEMENRISTEKDIKTI RI (Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia) in Jakarta related to the scholarly journals is also available online at: http://simlitabmas.ristekdikti.go.id
Vol 3, No 1 (2020)
Table of Contents