Classroom Management Approach Preferences of Culturally Diverse Mathematics Learners
ABSTRACT: Classroom management is considered as one of the most important aspects of teaching and a serious concern for teachers. Indigenous and non-indigenous students learn in different manner and need to manage differently. This diversity in learning styles calls for a variety of approaches to classroom management. This study is anchored with the seven primary classroom management approaches: Assertive, Business-Academic, Behavioral-Modification, Group Managerial, Group Guidance, Acceptance, and Success. This is a descriptive correlational research. There were five of R. Likert (1932)-scale questions that correspond in each approach needed to be rated by the freshmen students in State University, who are enrolled in their Mathematics class. H. Cramer (1946) of V was used to determine the association of the most preferred classroom management preferences among indigenous and non-indigenous Mathematics learner. The most preferred Classroom Management Approach of indigenous student is the Business-Academic approach, while the non-indigenous student is the Success approach. The results will help create a positive classroom climate for effective teaching and learning process for better understating in Mathematics appropriate to the indigenous and non-indigenous learners in Mathematics.
KEY WORDS: Indigenous Student; Non-Indigenous Student; Mathematics Learners; Classroom Management Approaches.
About the Author: Prof. Jerry B. Tolentino, M.A. is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Teacher Development, particularly in Mathematics Unit, PNU (Philippine Normal University) North Luzon, Philippines. For academic interests, the Author is able to be contacted via e-mail address at:
Suggested Citation: Tolentino, Jerry B. (2020). “Classroom Management Approach Preferences of Culturally Diverse Mathematics Learners” in HONAI: International Journal for Educational, Social, Political & Cultural Studies, Volume 3(1), May, pp.27-44. Bandung, Indonesia: Minda Masagi Press owned by ASPENSI, with ISSN 2621-1653 (print) and ISSN 2621-3621 (online).
Article Timeline: Accepted (February 5, 2020); Revised (March 17, 2020); and Published (May 30, 2020).
Full Text:
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