The Lulo Dance from Traditional to MURI Record: Historical Analysis of Tolakinese Culture in Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia
ABSTRACT: Southeast Sulawesi is one of the provinces in Indonesia, with a population that inhabit this region divided into several ethnics, such as Tolakinese (consisting Tolaki Konawe and Mekongga), Moronenese, Wunanese (Muna), Wolionese (Buton), Wawonii, Erekenese (Kulisusu), Javanese, and Torajanese. This paper is analyzing “lulo” dance related with cultural activity of the Tolakinese people. The birth of “lulo” dance is really close with the activity of Tolakinese people in agriculture area. “Lulo” dance has been developed and changed since traditional empire era until now, which is this dance success in winning the record of MURI (Musium Rekor Indonesia or Indonesia Record Museum) in Indonesia. The development such as music background, the equipment, meaning and function of the dance, movement, costume, and etiquette, included the types of “lulo” dance itself. “Lulo” always stand and survive to show it existence as a medium of entertainment, because of “lulo” dance is easy to learn. “Lulo” dance typical is relative and flexible, it is not limited by space, time, clothes, music background, included the participant. “Lulo” dance can be performed by anyone that come from different social class in the community. “Lulo” dance is always adaptive with the development of ages. “Lulo” dance has variety in it, it is relating to the music background, movement, region, and the person who created it. The “lulo” dance had became a popular culture, especially dances in Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia.
KEY WORDS: The “lulo” dance, Tolakinese culture, Southeast Sulawesi, agriculture area, medium of entertainment, easy to learn, and historical analysis.
About the Authors: Basrin Melamba is a Lecturer at the Department of History, Faculty of Humanities UHO (University of Halu Oleo) in Kendari 93232, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia; La Ode Syukur and La Ode Nggawu are the Lecturers at the Department of Language and Arts, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training UHO in Kendari 93232, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. E-mails address: and
How to cite this article? Melamba, Basrin, La Ode Syukur & La Ode Nggawu. (2015). “The Lulo Dance from Traditional to MURI Record: Historical Analysis of Tolakinese Culture in Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia” in TAWARIKH: International Journal for Historical Studies, Vol.7(1) October, pp.87-98. Bandung, Indonesia: Minda Masagi Press, ISSN 2085-0980.
Chronicle of the article: Accepted (April 21, 2015); Revised (June 17, 2015); and Published (October 28, 2015).
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