Historical Overview of Guidance and Counselling Practices in Nigeria
ABSTRACT: Guidance and counselling revolved around the notion that human being in one way or the other will face an issue that he or she cannot solve alone, but requires the help of a professional counsellor. This paper – using the qualitative approach and literature review method – examined the historical overview of guidance and counselling practices in Nigeria. The results show that training in guidance and counselling involves acquisition of skills enabling professionals to be more effective in all areas, especially in those situations of everyday life, where better adjustment and coping are required. The enormity of the problems the young faces today in Nigeria underlines the need for guidance and counselling services in our schools. As a society grows in sophistication, so seems the need for guidance, which is our only amour against societal ills and chaos, especially among the young ones. So, guidance and counselling as a profession has been able to assist Nigerians, since its inception in the country. Counselling is very much responsible for the adjustment, placement, rehabilitation, and other humanitarian services that enable people to be better reformed in the society. Effective guidance and counselling services enable bridging good interpersonal relationship in the society between two or more parties. It was, therefore, suggested that guidance and counselling should be properly funded in the country; counselling associations should also collaborate with government and non-governmental organisations to effectively provide guidance and counselling services for Nigeria.
KEY WORDS: Historical Overview; Guidance and Counselling; Young Nigerians.
About the Author: Prof. Dr. Mary O. Esere is a Lecturer at the Department of Counsellor Education, Faculty of Education UNILORIN (University of Ilorin) in Ilorin, Nigeria. For academic interests, the Author is able to be contacted via e-mail adrress at: eserem@unilorin.edu.ng
Suggested Citation: Esere, Mary O. (2020). “Historical Overview of Guidance and Counselling Practices in Nigeria” in TAWARIKH: Journal of Historical Studies, Volume 11(2), April, pp.129-142. Bandung, Indonesia: Minda Masagi Press owned by ASPENSI, with ISSN 2085-0980 (print) and ISSN 2685-2284 (online).
Article Timeline: Accepted (December 27, 2019); Revised (March 11, 2020); and Published (April 30, 2020).
Full Text:
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.2121/tawarikh.v11i2.1306
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