The Residents of Kampong Ayer, 1906–1940: The Activities of Pengalu, Padian, and Handiwork

Haji Tassim bin Haji Abu Bakar


ABSTRACT: A majority of the Malay Brunei society lived in Kampong Ayer. In terms of economic activity, they had various employments, such as catching fish and handiwork. As fishermen, the residents of Kampong Ayer used equipment, such as nets (jala or pukat), “kabat”, “lintau”, “kilong”, and such. Meanwhile, the activity of handiwork encompassed weaving cloth, making gold, silver, copper, and “memburis” (making something). In marketing, these two economic activities, apart from being sold by its owner or maker, it also involved the “pengalu” and “padian”. This article, by using the historical method and qualitative-descriptive approaches, will attempt to look at the activities of the “pengalu”, “padian”, and handiwork carried out by the residents of Kampong Ayer from 1906 until 1940. The findings show that history has shown those activities held the interest of the residents of Kampong Ayer. However, due to the processes of modernisation and vast development, two of the main activities, namely the activities of “pengalu” and “padian” have become extinct. The activities of “pengalu” and “padian” faced problems that were serious challenges. Eventually only the activity of handiwork has survived from then until now. This article will also focus on the factors that caused the extinction of the “pengalu” and “padian” activities. Besides that, this article will aslo focus on the activities of handiwork from 1906 until 1940, and also some forms of careers that were saved by the government from becoming extinct or disappearing.

KEY WORDS: Residents of Kampong Ayer; “Pengalu” and “Padian”; Handiwork; Problems and Challenges; Government Roles.

About the Author: Dr. Haji Tassim bin Haji Abu Bakar is a Senior Lecturer at the Academy of Brunei Studies UBD (University of Brunei Darussalam) in Bandar Seri Begawan, Negara Brunei Darussalam. For academic interests, the author is able to be contacted via his e-mail address at:

Suggested Citation: Bakar, Haji Tassim bin Haji Abu. (2018). “The Residents of Kampong Ayer, 1906–1940: The Activities of Pengalu, Padian, and Handiwork” in TAWARIKH: International Journal for Historical Studies, Volume 9(2), April, pp.151-158. Bandung, Indonesia: Minda Masagi Press owned by ASPENSI, ISSN 2085-0980.

Article Timeline: Accepted (March 2, 2018); Revised (March 24, 2018); and Published (April 30, 2018).


Residents of Kampong Ayer; “Pengalu” and “Padian”; Handiwork; Problems and Challenges; Government Roles

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