Beginning Teacher Induction Practices in the Context of Large Classes

Maria Victoria C. Hermosisima, Jerick C Ferrer, Arthur S Abulencia


ABSTRACT: Most of the challenges faced by new teachers are connected to the inherent weaknesses of the public school system; lack of and congested classrooms; and not enough textbooks, instructional materials, and equipment. The challenges experienced by new teachers in the public school, specifically in dealing with student differences, are related to their being new to the public education system and to the urban setting. This study looked into the support given to new teachers of three schools from three Divisions of National Capital Region, that topped the National Achievement Test for 2013 and 2014. Data were gathered through the use of two validated sets of semi-structured interview guide. Results showed that handling large classes, student differences, and classroom management were the greatest challenges experienced by the new teachers. Training, school-initiated programs, and support from colleagues were mainly the form of support given. The study recommended that the Department of Education of the Philippines should consider the institutionalization of Induction Program for new teachers in the public schools, specifically addressing the unique needs, especially those related to large classes, of beginning teachers who have no experience in the professional teaching and transferees from private schools and the provinces.

KEY WORDS: Beginning Teachers; Teacher Induction; Public School System; Large Classes; Professional Teaching.


About the Authors: Maria Victoria C. Hermosisima is an Associate Professor at the PNU (Philippine Normal University), Taft Avenue, Manila 1000, Philippines. Prof. Jerick C. Ferrer and Prof. Arthur S. Abulencia are the Associate Professors at the Faculty of Behavioral and Social Sciences PNU, Taft Avenue, Manila 1000, Philippines. Corresponding authors:,, and 

Suggested Citation: Hermosisima, Maria Victoria C., Jerick C. Ferrer & Arthur S. Abulencia. (2018). “Beginning Teacher Induction Practices in the Context of Large Classes” in HONAI: International Journal for Educational, Social, Political & Cultural Studies, Volume 1(1), May, pp.1-20. Bandung, Indonesia: Minda Masagi Press owned by ASPENSI and STISIP Amal Ilmiah, Wamena, Papua, ISSN 2621-1653 (print) and ISSN 2621-3621 (online).

Article Timeline: Accepted (January 17, 2018); Revised (March 2, 2018); and Published (May 30, 2018).


Beginning Teachers; Teacher Induction; Public School System; Large Classes; Professional Teaching

Full Text:



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