An Evaluation of Four-Day Compressed Workweek of Ifugao State University System: Basis for Action Plan
ABSTRACT: The HEIs (Higher Education Institutions) in the Philippines, generally, are experiencing financial constrictions brought by increased social demands and status of learning, which are not given equal extent of funding in respective delivering institutions. This is due to the new guideline aiming to streamline the nation’s expenses to achieve excellent education. Conversely, the streamlining led to unproductivity and great decline of monetary appropriation for learning institutions. This study evaluated the compressed workweek program of IFSU (Ifugao State University) system in the Philippines, basis for further improvement. Descriptive-survey method was used. Data were collected through questionnaires, document analysis, and interviews. Respondents included 938 middle-level managers, faculty, staff, and junior students. Results disclosed that electricity and fuel consumption decreased after implementation of program. However, use of office supplies increased. Employees became more productive, committed, and satisfied in their job. Illegal conduct of out-of-job activities were eliminated and employees performed very satisfactorily. No significant difference exists in employees’ productivity and commitment. Management of time and other benefits showed high significant difference. No significant difference exists in performance of middle level managers and faculty before and after implementation of program. A system mechanism in monitoring and evaluating different areas of program before its implementation is recommended.
KEY WORDS: Four-Day Compressed Workweek; Ifugao State University; Evaluation; Employees’ Productivity; Action Plan.
About the Authors: Leudane L. Lonez is a Lecturer at the IFSU (Ifugao State University), Nayon, Lamut, Ifugao 3605, the Philippines. Dr. Nicette N. Ganal is a Lecturer at the PNU (Philippine Normal University), North Luzon Campus, Aurora, Alicia, 3306 Isabela, the Philippines. For academic interests, the authors are able to be contacted via e-mails at: and
Suggested Citation: Lonez, Leudane L. & Nicette N. Ganal. (2018). “An Evaluation of Four-Day Compressed Workweek of Ifugao State University System: Basis for Action Plan” in EDUCARE: International Journal for Educational Studies, Volume 11(1), August, pp.29-48. Bandung, Indonesia: Minda Masagi Press owned by ASPENSI with ISSN 1979-7877 (print) and ISSN 2621-587X (online).
Article Timeline: Accepted (May 20, 2018); Revised (July 3, 2018); and Published (August 30, 2018).
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