The Influence of Psychologycal, Physical, and Behavior Aspects towards Student’s Stress Learning in Junior High School

Ulfiana Laili


ABSTRACT: Stress is a pressure, which happen in students because of learning problems. Students in Junior High School have so much risk and problem in their learning, because of they have unstable emotion and, sometimes, they cannot to handle it well. The responsibility of learning activities and obligations at school or home make young adolescents feel upset and stress. Many students in Junior High School did not understand how to manage their stress, because they did not have enough insight and experience. This condition should be negative impacts towards physical and psychological aspects, which can make some affects in their learning outcomes. This article, by using quasi experiment method and using non-equivalent pre-test control group, tries to explore the stress of learning and its relation to a mental or emotional disorder pertaining the knowledge and educational pressure, both psychologically, physically, mind, and behavior towards many demands which connected also with students learning activities. The results in the pre-test cycle, for example, showed the student's learning stress on Junior High School is considerable by emotions, physical, and behavioral aspects. The influence of student's stress on the low category is obtained on the emotional aspect as much as 43%; while in the medium category obtained in the physical aspects as much as 55%; and in the high category obtained on the behavioral aspects as much as 63%.

KEY WORD: Learning Stress; Junior High School Students; Emotion; Physics; Behavior. 

INTISARI: “Pengaruh Aspek Psikologis, Fisik, dan Perilaku terhadap Stres Belajar Siswa di Sekolah Menengah Pertama”. Stres adalah tekanan, yang terjadi pada siswa karena masalah belajar. Para siswa di SMP (Sekolah Menengah Pertama) beresiko mengalami kesulitan dalam belajar, yang ditandai dengan ketidakstabilan emosi sehingga menimbulkan desakan yang kerap kali sulit untuk dikendalikan. Padatnya aktivitas pembelajaran serta banyaknya kewajiban, baik di sekolah maupun di rumah, membuat siswa remaja rentan mengalami stres belajar. Banyak siswa remaja yang masih duduk di bangku SMP tidak memahami bagaimana cara mengelola stres yang mereka miliki, dikarenakan minimnya pengalaman dan wawasan yang mereka dapat. Hal ini dapat berdampak kepada fisik dan psikologis yang mempengaruhi hasil belajar mereka, sehingga tidak jarang banyak siswa yang mengalami kegagalan dalam belajar. Artikel ini, dengan menggunakan metode kuasi eksperimen dan menggunakan kelompok kontrol pra-tes yang tidak setara, mencoba untuk mengeksplorasi stres pembelajaran dan hubungannya dengan gangguan mental atau emosional yang berkaitan dengan pengetahuan dan tekanan pendidikan, baik secara psikologis, fisik, pikiran, dan perilaku terhadap banyak tuntutan yang terhubung juga dengan aktivitas belajar siswa. Hasil observasi pada siklus pra-tes, misalnya, menunjukan bahwa stres belajar siswa banyak dipengaruhi oleh aspek emosi, fisik, dan perilaku. Pengaruh stres belajar siswa pada kategori rendah didapat pada aspek emosi sebesar 43%; sedangkan pada kategori sedang didapat pada aspek fisik sebesar 55%; dan pada kategori tinggi didapat pada aspek perilaku sebesar 63%.

KATA KUNCI: Stres Belajar; Siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama; Emosi; Fisik; Perilaku.

About the Author: Ulfiana Laili, S.Pd. is a Graduate Student at the Study Program of Educational Psychology SPs UPI (School of Postgraduate Studies, Indonesia University of Education), Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi No.229 Bandung 40154, West Java, Indonesia. For academic interests, corresponding author is:

Suggested Citation: Laili, Ulfiana. (2018). “The Influence of Psychologycal, Physical, and Behavior Aspects towards Student’s Stress Learning in Junior High School” in SIPATAHOENAN: South-East Asian Journal for Youth, Sports & Health Education, Volume 4(1), April, pp.43-50. Bandung, Indonesia: Minda Masagi Press owned by ASPENSI, ISSN 2407-7348.

Article Timeline: Accepted (December 27, 2017); Revised (February 25, 2018); and Published (April 30, 2018).


Learning Stress; Junior High School Students; Emotion; Physics; Behavior

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