Gender and Life Satisfaction of Workers in Tembagapura, Papua, Indonesia
ABSTRACT: Tembagapura is a mountainous area in Mimika Regency, Papua Province, Indonesia, which is rich in natural resources, so that this area has its own charm; so it is also chosen as a place to live by people from many different regions from all over Indonesia. Based on observation, people generally come to Tembagapura for working as their effort to improve their well-being. The aim of this study was to examine the contribution of gender on life satisfaction of non-home region workers. The respondents of this study were the people, who live in Tembagapura, Papua, Indonesia. Ex-post facto prospective research was conducted by involving 60 men and 40 women working in Tembagapura (N = 100). The instrument in this study used SWLS (Satisfaction With Life Scale) by providing five important questions concerning the self-evaluation of respondents by comparing them to the predetermined standards. Data were processed using linear regression analysis. The results of regression analysis showed that the coefficient of determination is = 0.074, which means that 7.4% variance of life satisfaction variable is affected by the gender, while the other 92.6% is affected by the other variables. There is a significant effect of gender on life satisfaction of workers living in Tembagapura, Papua, Indonesia, with p = 0.000 (<0.05). It can be concluded that gender can be used to predict the life satisfaction of workers living in Tembagapura, Papua, Indonesia.
KEY WORDS: Life Satisfaction; Gender; Workers Living in Tembagapura.
About the Authors: Errisa Dwi Siswandani, Dr. Rudihartono Ismail, and Sahrail Robo are the Lecturers at the STISIP (Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik or College of Social and Political Sciences) Amal Ilmiah YAPIS (Yayasan Pendidikan Islam or Islamic Education Foundation) in Wamena, Papua, Indonesia. For academic interests, the Authors are able to be contacted via e-mails address at:,, and
Suggested Citation: Siswandani, Errisa Dwi, Rudihartono Ismail & Sahrail Robo. (2019). “Gender and Life Satisfaction of Workers in Tembagapura, Papua, Indonesia” in HONAI: International Journal for Educational, Social, Political & Cultural Studies, Volume 2(1), May, pp.17-26. Bandung, Indonesia: Minda Masagi Press owned by ASPENSI and STISIP Amal Ilmiah, Wamena, Papua, with ISSN 2621-1653 (print) and ISSN 2621-3621 (online).
Article Timeline: Accepted (March 24, 2019); Revised (April 21, 2019); and Published (May 30, 2019).
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