Enhancing Social Studies Teaching for 21st Century Learners in Secondary Education
ABSTRACT: Education is substantial in the world, for it could reform the world and can contribute to self and social change. Education is one of the solutions, next to action, to various obstacles and challenges of teachers and learners, today. New strategies and teaching skills have evolved and continuously developing that teachers can use for effective teaching. By using quantitative research method, the researchers have conducted a survey about Enhancing Social Studies Teaching for 21st Century Learners in Secondary Education in the Philippines. The respondents are twenty Social Studies teachers coming from public and private secondary schools. The survey discussed the availability of learning resources; provision of support and teaching strategies, observations, problems, and interventions that teachers have encountered and taken; and responsiveness to the needs of the 21st century in various terms. From the results of the conducted survey, it is clear that high school Social Studies teachers are still using strategies and teaching skills, which are no longer addressing the 21st century skills. However, they integrate it to the 21st century skills and teachings strategies, such as ICT (Information and Communication Technology) and other technology-based pedagogies. The responses of the respondents are quite close to the 21st century skills, such as Critical Thinking and Problem Solving; Communication and Collaboration; Leadership and Management; and ICT have dominated schools today, making the teachers, as well as learners, to be literate technologically and be technologically processed.
KEY WORDS: Enhancing; Social Studies; Teaching Skills; Technology-Based Pedagogies.
About the Authors: Renso A. Mestiola, Glizelle P. Naquita, and Nerissa S. Tantengco are the Lecturers at the Faculty of Behavioral and Social Sciences, College of Teacher Development PNU (Philippine Normal University), Taft Avenue, Manila 1000, the Philippines. For academic interests, the authors are able to be contacted via e-mail at: tantengco.ns@pnu.edu.ph
Suggested Citation: Mestiola, Renso A., Glizelle P. Naquita & Nerissa S. Tantengco. (2018). “Enhancing Social Studies Teaching for 21st Century Learners in Secondary Education” in HONAI: International Journal for Educational, Social, Political & Cultural Studies, Volume 1(2), November, pp.83-100. Bandung, Indonesia: Minda Masagi Press owned by ASPENSI and STISIP Amal Ilmiah, Wamena, Papua, ISSN 2621-1653 (print) and ISSN 2621-3621 (online).
Article Timeline: Accepted (June 22, 2018); Revised (August 17, 2018); and Published (November 30, 2018).
Full Text:
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