Evaluation Management for Secondary Schools Learning of Manado City, North Sulawesi, Indonesia

Meike Mamentu


ABSTRACT: The assessment instrument formula is a product of the form of evaluation produced by the subjects of the subjects to achieve the learning objectives of the assigned educational institutions. The purpose of community service activities is to facilitate the subjects in improving the quality of assessment according to the evaluation standards that meet the mastery of student learning and become the standard measurement tool for subjects. The specific target is to change the behavior of partner schools in formulating learning instruments that are right on target according to the learning objectives and to meet minimum learning completeness. To realize the program, the methods to be used in the activities include methods of socialization, education/counseling and training, implementation of learning technology, and mentoring. The implementation method is to achieve the stated goals. The results obtained are the concepts of structured instruments evaluating standards and completeness of student learning. So, the implementation of the partnership with the community from UNIMA (Universitas Negeri Manado or State University of Manado) in North Sulawesi, Indonesia’s professional staff can help overcome the problems of the Klabat Manado High School and the Manado Pioneer Vocational School as partner schools. Education and counseling/training of subject teachers based on learning materials according to the field of study or teaching material taught, the teachers can arrange test instruments in standard form. The formulation of learning instruments is formulated precisely based on the level of difficulty, learning objectives can be achieved with a minimum standard of learning completeness of students.

KEY WORDS: Instrument Evaluation Learning; Standard Assessment; Minimum Learning Completeness; Community Service Activities.

About the Author: Prof. Dr. Meike Mamentu is a Lecturer at the Faculty of Economics UNIMA (State University of Manado), Jalan Tondano, Minahasa, Manado 95618, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. For academic interests, the Author is able to be contacted via e-mail address at: meikemamentu@gmail.com  

Suggested Citation: Mamentu, Meike. (2019). “Evaluation Management for Secondary Schools Learning of Manado City, North Sulawesi, Indonesia” in EDUCARE: International Journal for Educational Studies, Volume 12(1), August, pp.57-68. Bandung, Indonesia: Minda Masagi Press owned by ASPENSI with ISSN 1979-7877 (print) and ISSN 2621-587X (online).

Article Timeline: Accepted (June 22, 2019); Revised (July 17, 2019); and Published (August 31, 2019).


Instrument Evaluation Learning; Standard Assessment; Minimum Learning Completeness; Community Service Activities

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