Life Map to Improve Student Engagement in Writing Learning for Strengthening Students’ Character

Siti Maryam


ABSTRACT: In order to conduct the learning strategy, a serious effort from every stakeholders is crucial. One of them is university that is well-known as the house of scientific concept. Those concepts will be meaningful, if it is reached the schools and lecturers were willing and able to give enlightenement to school teacher regarding an alternative strategy of learning. The program of lecturer involvement at school is also can be part of community service as they help the teacher to teach. There are two approaches in writing, namely process and product. This study focuses on process approach. These main aim of this research is to develop students’ engagement in writing, specifically in writing procedure text. The level of student engagement is essential in this learning strategy. Life map is expected to empower student engagement in the classroom. Students are also expected to be motivated and able to actualize the competence of writing procedure texts. The stages of writing life map facilitate students in writing a complex procedure texts. In addition, life map is an endeavor to suggest an alternative strategy to strengthen students' character and competitiveness in learning process. The method used in this study is CAR (Classroom Action Research). The data is collected during the stages of planning, action, developing, and refelcting in two cycles. The results of this study indicate that life map can increase the level of students’ engagement, character, and competitiveness. This study can be the basis of future research that emphasize to students’ output—the improvement of writing skill— so that the improvement of process and product quality of this strategy can be obtained.

KEY WORDS: Writing Competence; Students Engagement; Life Map.

About the Author: Dr. Siti Maryam is a Senior Lecturer at the Postgraduate Program UNSUR (University of Suryakancana) in Cianjur, West Java, Indonesia. For academic interests, the Author is able to be contacted via e-mail address at:

Suggested Citation: Maryam, Siti. (2019). “Life Map to Improve Student Engagement in Writing Learning for Strengthening Students’ Character” in EDUCARE: International Journal for Educational Studies, Volume 12(1), August, pp.39-56. Bandung, Indonesia: Minda Masagi Press owned by ASPENSI with ISSN 1979-7877 (print) and ISSN 2621-587X (online).

Article Timeline: Accepted (May 2, 2019); Revised (July 3, 2019); and Published (August 31, 2019).


Writing Competence; Students Engagement; Life Map

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