Teaching Strategies and Social Support on Students’ Mathematics Achievement, Attitude, and Anxiety

Nicette N Ganal, Marissa R Guiab


ABSTRACT: The study aims to explore and analyze the impact of teaching strategies and social support on the Mathematics achievement, attitude, and anxiety among grade 8 students during the school year of 2018-2019. The population composed of 98 students of public secondary schools chosen through convenience non-random sampling. The instruments used to gather data are Personal Data Sheet, Teacher’s Strategies Mathematics Scale, Attitude Scale, Anxiety Scale, and Social Support Scale. The students’ first term Mathematics grades for school year of 2018-2019 represent their achievement. The data were analyzed through Mean, Pearson Product Moment Correlation, One-Way Analysis of Variance, and Stepwise Regression Analysis. The results revealed that teaching strategies and teachers’, parents’, and peers’ support to the respondents are very satisfactory and moderately satisfactory correspondingly. The achievement and attitude of respondents towards Mathematics is satisfactory, while anxiety level is moderately satisfactory. The teaching strategies are predictors of achievement and attitude. Hence, teachers should constantly enhance students’ abilities, attitude, and behavior in number related courses. Consequently, a research on exploring the student’s self-efficacy, parents’, and teachers’ attitudes towards Mathematics among students in selected secondary schools of Division of Isabela, Philippines can be pursued. A training program on strategies for enhancing the teachers’ skills in promoting their intellectual and social support abilities could also be designed and implemented.

KEY WORD: Mathematics Achievement; Attitude; Anxiety; Social Support; Teaching Strategies. 

RINGKASAN: “Strategi Pengajaran dan Dukungan Sosial terhadap Prestasi, Sikap, dan Kecemasan Siswa dalam Matematika”. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi dan menganalisis dampak dari strategi pengajaran dan dukungan sosial terhadap prestasi, sikap, dan kecemasan dalam Matematika di antara siswa kelas 8 selama tahun ajaran 2018-2019. Populasi terdiri dari 98 siswa sekolah menengah negeri yang dipilih melalui sampel acak yang tidak biasa. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data adalah Lembar Data Pribadi, Skala Matematika Strategi Guru, Skala Sikap, Skala Kecemasan, dan Skala Dukungan Sosial. Nilai Matematika semester pertama siswa untuk tahun ajaran 2018-2019 mewakili prestasi mereka. Data dianalisis melalui Rerata, Korelasi Pearson Product Moment, Analisis Varian Satu Jalur, dan Analisis Regresi Stepwise. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi pengajaran dan dukungan guru, orang tua, dan teman sebaya kepada responden sangat memuaskan dan tingkat memuaskan secara moderat. Prestasi dan sikap responden terhadap Matematika memuaskan, sedangkan tingkat kecemasan cukup memuaskan. Strategi pengajaran adalah prediktor pencapaian dan sikap. Karena itu, guru harus terus-menerus meningkatkan kemampuan, sikap, dan perilaku siswa dalam sejumlah matapelajaran terkait. Konsekuensinya, sebuah penelitian untuk mengeksplorasi efikasi-diri siswa, sikap orang tua, dan guru terhadap Matematika di antara siswa di sekolah menengah yang terpilih di Daerah Bagian Isabela, Filipina dapat dilakukan. Program pelatihan tentang strategi untuk meningkatkan keterampilan guru dalam mempromosikan kemampuan dukungan intelektual dan sosial mereka juga dapat dirancang dan diimplementasikan.

KATA KUNCI: Prestasi Matematika; Sikap; Kecemasan; Dukungan Sosial; Strategi Mengajar.


About the Authors: Dr. Nicette N. Ganal is a Professor V at the Faculty of Teacher Development PNU (Philippine Normal University) North Luzon in Aurora, Alicia, Isabela, Philippines.  Dr. Marissa R. Guiab is an Associate Professor V and also a Lecturer at the Faculty of Teacher Development PNU North Luzon in Aurora, Alicia, Isabela Philippines. For academic interests, the Authors are able to be contacted via e-mails address at: ganal.nn@pnu.edu.ph and guiab.mr@pnu.edu.ph

Suggested Citation: Ganal, Nicette N. & Marissa R. Guiab. (2020). “Teaching Strategies and Social Support on Students’ Mathematics Achievement, Attitude, and Anxiety” in ATIKAN: Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan, Volume 10(1), June, pp.1-22. Bandung, Indonesia: Minda Masagi Press owned by ASPENSI with print-ISSN 2088-1290 and online-ISSN 2714-6243.

Article Timeline: Accepted (April 21, 2020); Revised (May 20, 2020); and Published (June 30, 2020).


Mathematics Achievement; Attitude; Anxiety; Social Support; Teaching Strategies

Full Text:



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