Empirical Analysis of Trade Liberalization and Economic Growth in Nigeria, 1980-2013
ABSTRACT: The trade liberalization is necessary and has positive effects for development, and on the growth performance of the industrial sector, constituted an increasingly controversial issue. The origin of trade liberalization and market-oriented economic reform in many developing countries began in the early 1980s and intensified in the 1990s. The reform takes various forms in terms of ownership and contents in different countries. The paper accesses the impact of trade liberalization on economic growth in Nigeria for the period 1980-2013. Two equations were estimated: firstly, made index of industrial production as a function of trade openness, terms of trade, and real exports; and, secondly, equation made real gross domestic product as a function of trade openness, terms of trade, real export, and trade liberalization dummy. The study employs a vector error correction model, quantitative method, and economics approaches. The results show that openness of the foreign sector and trade liberalization dummy have positive significant impact on both industrial performance and economic growth in Nigeria. It is recommended the removal of impediments to trade, such as excessive import levies and arbitrary tariffs.
KEY WORD: Trade Liberalization; Index of Industrial Production; Real Gross Domestic Product; Co-Integration; Vector Error Correction Model.
IKHTISAR: “Analisis Empiris Liberalisasi Perdagangan dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi di Nigeria, 1980-2013”. Liberalisasi perdagangan diperlukan dan memiliki efek positif untuk pembangunan, dan tentang kinerja pertumbuhan sektor industri, merupakan isu yang semakin kontroversial. Asal-usul liberalisasi perdagangan dan reformasi ekonomi berorientasi pasar di banyak negara berkembang dimulai pada awal 1980-an dan diintensifkan pada 1990-an. Reformasi mengambil berbagai bentuk dalam hal kepemilikan dan konten di berbagai negara. Makalah ini menguji dampak liberalisasi perdagangan pada pertumbuhan ekonomi di Nigeria untuk periode 1980-2013. Dua persamaan diestimasi: pertama, membuat indeks produksi industri sebagai fungsi keterbukaan, syarat perdagangan, dan ekspor riil; serta, kedua, membuat persamaan produk domestik bruto riil sebagai fungsi keterbukaan, syarat perdagangan, ekspor riil, dan dummy liberalisasi perdagangan. Penelitian ini menggunakan model koreksi kesalahan vektor, metode kuantitatif, dan pendekatan ekonomi. Hasilnya menunjukan bahwa keterbukaan sektor asing dan dummy liberalisasi perdagangan memiliki dampak positif yang signifikan terhadap kinerja industri dan pertumbuhan ekonomi di Nigeria. Direkomendasikan untuk menghapus semua hambatan perdagangan, seperti pungutan impor berlebihan dan tarif sewenang-wenang.
KATA KUNCI: Liberalisasi Perdagangan; Indeks Produksi Industri; Produk Domestik Bruto Nyata; Ko-Integrasi; Model Koreksi Kesalahan Vektor.
About the Authors: John Aiyedogbon, Ph.D. is a Lecturer at the Department of Economics, Birgham University, Karu, Nassarawa State, Nigeria. Helen A. Andow, Ph.D. is a Lecturer at the Department of Business Administration, Kaduna State University, Kaduna, Nigeria. Bright O. Ohwofasa is a Lecturer at the Delta State Polytechnic, Department of Arts and Social Sciences (Economics Unit), Otefe-Oghara, Nigeria. Corresponding authors: johnomolara2007@yahoo.com and haandow@yahoo.com
Suggested Citation: Aiyedogbon, John, Helen A. Andow & Bright O. Ohwofasa. (2018). “Empirical Analysis of Trade Liberalization and Economic Growth in Nigeria, 1980-2013” in SUSURGALUR: Jurnal Kajian Sejarah & Pendidikan Sejarah, Volume 6(1), March, pp.61-72. Bandung, Indonesia: Minda Masagi Press and UBD Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam, ISSN 2302-5808.
Article Timeline: Accepted (January 17, 2018); Revised (February 19, 2018); and Published (March 30, 2018).
Full Text:
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