The Issue of Justice and Injustice in Malacca Sultanate, 1400 – 1511 AD

Haji Awang Asbol bin Haji Mail, Haji Ramlee bin Haji Tinkong, Nur Syazwani binti Haji Md Suif


ABSTRACT: Studying the issue of justice and injustice among the rulers of the sultanate of Malacca is somewhat important in order to measure the government’s stability and efficiency. This study believes that a well-maintained justice system plays an essential role in keeping the country’s administration safe and stable. It could also help to reflect the different traits and characters of the governing authorities in carrying out justice. By applying the historical method, this research will be focusing mainly on the issue of social and political justice. The issue will be analysed through the selected case studies. This article also elaborated and analysed the background of the Malacca sultanate; the issue of injustice with some cases; and the issue of justice pertaining the Malacca sultanate in 15th to 16th century. Based on the analysis, it appears that not all rulers mentioned here, in the sultanate of Malacca, had practiced injustice during their time in power. There were some rulers that had taken a serious responsibility on practising and maintaining justice in their administration, such as Sultan Muzaffar Syah (1446-1456) and Sultan Alaudin Riayat Syah (1477-1488).

KEY WORD: Issue of Justice and Injustice; Sultanate of Malacca; Social and Political Stability; Muslim Rulers.   

IKHTISAR: “Isu Keadilan dan Ketidakadilan dalam Kesultanan Melaka, 1400 – 1511 Masihi”. Mempelajari isu keadilan dan ketidakadilan di kalangan penguasa kesultanan Melaka adalah penting untuk mengukur kestabilan dan kecekapan kerajaan. Kajian ini mempercayai bahawa sistem keadilan yang dipelihara dengan baik memainkan peranan penting dalam memastikan pentadbiran negara selamat dan stabil. Ia juga dapat membantu dalam merefleksikan ciri-ciri dan watak-watak pihak berkuasa yang mentadbir dalam menjalankan keadilan. Dengan mengguna-pakai kaedah sejarah, penyelidikan ini memberi tumpuan, terutamanya kepada isu keadilan sosial dan politik. Isu-isu berkenaan dianalisis melalui kajian kes terpilih. Artikel ini juga menghuraikan dan menganalisis latar belakang kesultanan Melaka; isu ketidakadilan dengan beberapa kes; dan isu keadilan mengenai kesultanan Melaka pada abad ke-15 hingga 16 Masihi. Berdasarkan analisis, nampaknya tidak semua pemerintah yang disebutkan di sini, dalam kesultanan Melaka, telah mengamalkan ketidakadilan selama masa mereka berkuasa. Terdapat beberapa penguasa yang telah mengambil tanggungjawab serius dalam mengamalkan dan mengekalkan keadilan dalam pentadbiran mereka, seperti Sultan Muzaffar Syah (1446-1456) dan Sultan Alaudin Riayat Syah (1477-1488).

KATA KUNCI: Isu Keadilan dan Ketidakadilan; Kesultanan Melaka; Kestabilan Sosial dan Politik; Raja-raja Islam.


About the Authors: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Haji Awang Asbol bin Haji Mail and Dr. Haji Ramlee bin Haji Tinkong are the Senior Lecturers at the FASS UBD (Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Brunei Darussalam) in Bandar Seri Begawan. Nur Syazwani binti Haji Md Suif is a Student at the International and Historical Studies Program FASS UBD in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam. Corresponding author is:

Suggested Citation: Mail, Haji Awang Asbol bin Haji, Haji Ramlee bin Haji Tinkong & Nur Syazwani binti Haji Md Suif. (2018). “The Issue of Justice and Injustice in Malacca Sultanate, 1400 – 1511 AD” in SUSURGALUR: Jurnal Kajian Sejarah & Pendidikan Sejarah, Volume 6(1), March, pp.1-26. Bandung, Indonesia: Minda Masagi Press and UBD Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam, ISSN 2302-5808.

Article Timeline: Accepted (October 17, 2017); Revised (January 15, 2018); and Published (March 30, 2018).


Issue of Justice and Injustice; Sultanate of Malacca; Social and Political Stability; Muslim Rulers

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