Student Satisfaction on Learning and Teacher Quality: A Case Study in an International Standard Madrasah

Saifuddin Chalim


ABSTRACT: Studies related to the development of Islamic education have been the focus of public attention in recent decades. The increasing demands for educational change relevant to the needs of the community have changed the “madrasah” (modern Islamic school), both at the level of concepts, processes, functions, objectives, management of educational institutions, and educational management resources. The quality of education programs and services is an important factor in maintaining the sustainability of “madrasah” and increasing satisfaction for students. The quality of teaching, for example, is an important factor in improving student excellence and is influenced by teachers' competence and professionalism. This research is aimed to investigate students' satisfaction on learning system and teacher in an international standard “madrasah” and its relation with student learning results. This study used a survey method and involved 135 students as participants. A set of questionnaires consisting of 15 questions was used to collect the data. Using the IPA (Importance Performance Analysis) and Gap Analysis methods to analyze the data, the results showed that students had a positive response on learning and the quality of their teacher. In addition, there is a significant relationship between learning outcomes and student scores on teacher' teaching abilities. The results of this study are expected to be an input for the improvement of education programs and services in international “madrasah”.

KEY WORD: Teacher Quality; International Standard Madrasah; Importance Performance Analysis, Gap Analysis; Students' Satisfaction. 

RESUME: “Kepuasan Siswa tentang Pembelajaran dan Kualitas Guru: Studi Kasus di Madrasah Berstandar Internasional”. Studi yang berkaitan dengan perkembangan pendidikan Islam telah menjadi fokus perhatian publik dalam beberapa dekade terakhir. Meningkatnya tuntutan untuk perubahan pendidikan yang relevan dengan kebutuhan masyarakat telah mengubah madrasah, baik pada tingkat konsep, proses, fungsi, tujuan, manajemen lembaga pendidikan, maupun sumber daya manajemen pendidikan. Kualitas program dan pelayanan pendidikan menjadi faktor penting dalam menjaga keberlangsungan madrasah dan meningkatkan kepuasan bagi siswa. Kualitas pengajaran, contohnya, menjadi salah satu faktor penting dalam meningkatkan keunggulan siswa dan dipengaruhi oleh kompetensi dan profesionalisme guru. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada penilaian kepuasan siswa terhadap pembelajaran dan guru madrasah bertaraf internasional, serta hubungannya dengan hasil belajar siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey dan melibatkan 135 responden dari peserta didik. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah seperangkat kuesioner yang terdiri dari 15 pertanyaan. Dengan menggunakan metode IPA (Analisis Kinerja Penting) dan Analisis Gap, hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa siswa memiliki penilaian positif pada kualitas guru mereka saat mengajar. Selain itu, ada hubungan yang signifikan antara hasil belajar dan nilai siswa terhadap kemampuan guru mengajar. Hasil penelitian diharapkan menjadi masukan bagi perbaikan program dan layanan pendidikan di madrasah bertaraf internasional.

KATA KUNCI: Kualitas Guru; Madrasah Bertaraf Internasional; Analisis Kinerja Penting; Analisis Gap; Kepuasan Siswa.

About the Author: Dr. Saifuddin Chalim is a Lecturer at the UIN (State Islamic University) Sunan Ampel in Surabaya; and IAI (Islamic Religious Institute) Al-Khoziny in Buduran, Sidoarjo, East Java, Indonesia. For academic interests, the author is able to be contacted via his e-mail address at:

Suggested Citation: Chalim, Saifuddin. (2018). “Student Satisfaction on Learning and Teacher Quality: A Case Study in an International Standard Madrasah” in SOSIOHUMANIKA: Jurnal Pendidikan Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan, Volume 11(1), May, pp.97-108. Bandung, Indonesia: Minda Masagi Press and UNIPA Surabaya, ISSN 1979-0112.

Article Timeline: Accepted (March 24, 2018); Revised (April 25, 2018); and Published (May 30, 2018).


Teacher Quality; International Standard Madrasah; Importance Performance Analysis, Gap Analysis; Students' Satisfaction

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