Analysis of Factors that Affect the Purchase Decision of Wamena Arabica Coffee

Tiomy Butsianto Adi, Rema Meriana


ABSTRACT: This study aims to determine the effect of taste, price, and promotion of the purchase decision consumers in select Arabica coffee of Wamena in Papua, Indonesia, and to know which factor is dominant. By using an associative quantitative research method, namely research that explains causal relationships, the result study showed a significant effect on the taste, price, and promotion to decision of purchasing and taste dominant factor that has the greatest influence on purchase decisions in choosing the Arabica coffee of Wamena. Good taste and quality improvement to maintain Arabica coffee flavor will attract the interest of consumers in the decision to buy coffee of Arabica in Wamena. The price of Arabica coffee, which formed for a commodity, is the result of interaction between sellers and buyers. Prices is strongly influenced by the quantity of goods being transacted. Many factors can influence the behavior of the interaction of supply and demand in price formation. Performers processing business Arabica coffee of Wamena should always pay attention to the pricing, whether the price has been determined that in accordance with the products offered, expected the manager to fix prices always follow the price competition occurs, so that the price set can be affordable by the purchasing power of consumers who are target market. Promotion of the factors, that most small influence on purchasing decisions, should businesses conduct sales promotion using more effective media that is by delivering products that are promoted delivered directly to consumers through electronic media.

KEY WORDS: Taste; Price; Promotion; Purchase Decision; Arabica Coffee of Wamena.


About the Authors: Tiomy Butsianto Adi and Rema Meriana are the Lecturers at the STISIP (Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik or College of Social and Political Sciences) Amal Ilmiah YAPIS (Yayasan Pendidikan Islam or Islamic Education Foundation) in Wamena, Papua, Indonesia. For academic interests, the Authors are able to be contacted via e-mail address at:

Suggested Citation: Adi, Tiomy Butsianto & Rema Meriana. (2019). “Analysis of Factors that Affect the Purchase Decision of Wamena Arabica Coffee” in HONAI: International Journal for Educational, Social, Political & Cultural Studies, Volume 2(1), May, pp.59-70. Bandung, Indonesia: Minda Masagi Press owned by ASPENSI and STISIP Amal Ilmiah, Wamena, Papua, with ISSN 2621-1653 (print) and ISSN 2621-3621 (online).

Article Timeline: Accepted (February 5, 2019); Revised (March 24, 2019); and Published (May 30, 2019).


Taste; Price; Promotion; Purchase Decision; Arabica Coffee of Wamena

Full Text:



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