The Effects of Academic Learning on Problem-Solving Efficacy of Vietnamese University Students: A Case Study of Vietnam National University – Ho Chi Minh City
ABSTRACT: The literature shows that curriculum has a profound effect on student achievement and plays a crucial role in enhancing students’ problem-solving efficacy. Meanwhile, problem-solving is a cognitive process. Problem-solving is such an important competence that it focuses on its students becoming effective problem solvers by applying logical, critical, and creative thinking to a range of problems. Problem-solving can provide the site for learning new concepts and for practicing learned skills. This study was conducted to explore the relationship between academic learning and problem-solving efficacy in Vietnamese university students. The study used a questionnaire to survey with 700 students from five member universities at Vietnam National University of Ho Chi Minh City. Results of this study indicate that Vietnamese university students’ problem-solving efficacy was in the range of “average” to “high” response. There were significant differences in problem-solving efficacy among students at the five universities. The study also found that Vietnamese university students’ problem-solving efficacy is significantly influenced by their backgrounds and academic learning.
KEY WORDS: Academic learning, problem-solving efficacy, cognitive process, and Vietnamese university students.
About the Authors: Minh-Quang Duong is a Lecturer at the Faculty of Education, University of Social Sciences and Humanities VNU-HCM (Vietnam National University of Ho Chi Minh City) in Vietnam; and currently as Ph.D. Student at the Department of Educational Policy and Administration NCNU (National Chi Nan University) in Taiwan (ROC). E-mail:
How to cite this article? Duong, Minh-Quang. (2013). “The Effects of Academic Learning on Problem-Solving Efficacy of Vietnamese University Students: A Case Study of Vietnam National University – Ho Chi Minh City” in EDUCARE: International Journal for Educational Studies, Vol.5(2) February, pp.161-172. Bandung, Indonesia: Minda Masagi Press owned by ASPENSI in Bandung, West Java; and FKIP UMP in Purwokerto, Central Java, ISSN 1979-7877.
Chronicle of the article: Accepted (December 11, 2012); Revised (January 25, 2013); and Published (February 17, 2013).
Full Text:
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