The Quadruple Helix Strategy for Tourism Development: Case Study at Mekar Rahayu Village, Marga Asih District, Bandung Regency
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this research is to know the potential of tourism as well as implement the Quadruple Helix strategy in developing tourism in Mekar Rahayu Village, so that it can be used as a reference for the government of Mekar Rahayu Village, Marga Asih District, Bandung Regency, West Java, Indonesia to implement policies in developing tourism in the region. This research uses qualitative descriptive approach, using secondary data and primary data. Respondents to this study consisted of local government, academics, tourism community, and tourism businesses. The results showed that academic, government, business, and community as stakeholders of Quadruple Helix strategy play an important role in developing tourism in Mekar Rahayu Village. The results of research and community service from universities in Mekar Rahayu Village have not been followed up with implementation by both the village government and stakeholders related to tourism development in the region. Bandung Regency Government policy related to tourism development in Mekar Rahayu Village is to develop the potential of religious tourism that already exists in the village and become a mainstay tourism potential. So far, awareness to develop and utilize tourist destinations in Mekar Rahayu is only owned by people who are in the location of tourist attractions, such as the community in Kampung Mahmud.
KEY WORDS: Development; Strategy; Tourism; Quadruple Helix.
About the Authors: Dr. Hidayat is a Senior Lecturer at the Postgraduate School UNNUR (Nurtanio University), Campus II, Jalan Casa No.2 Sulaiman, Bandung 40229, West Java, Indonesia. Asep R. Rukmana, M.A.P. is a Lecturer at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UNNUR in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. For academic interests, the Authors are able to be contacted via e-mails address at: and
Suggested Citation: Hidayat & Asep R. Rukmana. (2021). “The Quadruple Helix Strategy for Tourism Development: Case Study at Mekar Rahayu Village, Marga Asih District, Bandung Regency” in EDUCARE: International Journal for Educational Studies, Volume 13(2), February, pp.117-130. Bandung, Indonesia: Minda Masagi Press owned by ASPENSI with ISSN 1979-7877 (print) and ISSN 2621-587X (online).Article Timeline: Accepted (December 14, 2020); Revised (January 17, 2021); and Published (February 28, 2021).
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