Learning Style Construct in Student’s Learning
ABSTRACT: This study is to analyze the literature about nature and importance of learning style construct to overall human learning and especially school learning. A certain research interest group raises questions about the credibility, validity, and usefulness of this construct in school learning. Applicability, usefulness, financial aspects, and lack of cohesive theory were the basic criticisms for supporting school learning environment to adopted individual student learning style, especially when there are some other options, such as effective teaching and school environment that can also enhance and affect students’ learning. The criticisms on learning style construct need to be assessed on the basis of these premises. This explorative study focuses on the literature that supports the issues of validity, effectiveness, and applicability of learning style construct in school learning and general learning. The relationship of learning styles to academic achievements, attitudes toward learning, and multimedia technology was identified as the important element. There are clear and marked differences between cognitive and learning style. But, we have seen massive research to support the validity and usefulness of learning style construct in general and in school learning situations.
KEY WORD: Learning Style; Cognitive Style; Student’s Learning; Academic Achievements, Classroom Learning.
ABSTRAKSI: “Konstruk Gaya Pembelajaran dalam Pembelajaran Pelajar”. Kajian ini menganalisis literatur mengenai sifat dan kepentingan konstruk gaya pembelajaran bagi pembelajaran manusia secara am dan khasnya pembelajaran di sekolah. Satu kumpulan minat penyelidikan tertentu membangkitkan pemerihalan tentang kredibiliti, kesahan, dan kegunaan konstruk ini dalam pembelajaran sekolah. Kebolehgunaan, kegunaan, aspek kewangan, dan kekurangan teori yang padu merupakan kritikan asas untuk menyokong persekitaran pembelajaran sekolah dengan gaya pembelajaran pelajar individu, terutamanya apabila terdapat beberapa pilihan lain, seperti pengajaran yang berkesan, persekitaran sekolah yang juga boleh meningkatkan dan memberi kesan kepada pembelajaran pelajar. Kritikan terhadap konstruk gaya pembelajaran harus dinilai berasaskan premis ini. Kajian penerokaan ini memberi tumpuan kepada literatur, yang menyokong isu-isu sah, keberkesanan dan kesesuaian konstruk gaya pembelajaran dalam pembelajaran sekolah dan pembelajaran secara am. Hubungan gaya pembelajaran dengan pencapaian akademik, sikap terhadap pembelajaran dan teknologi multimedia telah dikenal pasti sebagai satu elemen penting. Terdapat perbezaan yang jelas dan ketara antara gaya kognitif dan pembelajaran. Tetapi, kita telah melihat banyaknya maklumat penyelidikan yang menyokong kesahihan dan kegunaan konstruk gaya pembelajaran dalam situasi pembelajaran secara am dan di sekolah.
KATA KUNCI: Gaya Pembelajaran; Gaya Kognitif; Pembelajaran Pelajar; Pencapaian Akademik; Pembelajaran Bilik Darjah.
About the Authors: Zainudin Abu Bakar is a Lecturer at the UTM (Technology University of Malaysia) in Skudai, Johor, Malaysia. Rafaquat Ali is a Lecturer at the IUB (Islamia University of Bahawalpur) in Pakistan. For academic interests, corresponding author is: p-zain@utm.my
How to cite this article? Bakar, Zainudin Abu & Rafaquat Ali. (2016). “Learning Style Construct in Student’s Learning” in MIMBAR PENDIDIKAN: Jurnal Indonesia untuk Kajian Pendidikan, Vol.1(2) September, pp.213-222. Bandung, Indonesia: UPI [Indonesia University of Education] Press, ISSN 2527-3868 (print) and 2503-457X (online).
Chronicle of the article: Accepted (May 15, 2016); Revised (July 17, 2016); and Published (September 30, 2016).
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