Kashmir Conflict and Human Rights Violation
ABSTRACT: Since from the ancient period, the valley of Kashmir has stood for peaceful observation, intellectual advancements, and religious diversity. This diversity, evident from the blend of Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism, and Buddhism in the state, made advancement of warfare rather than cultural advancement. The insurgency in late 1980s and counter-insurgency from the Indian side in the valley not only threatened Kashmir apart, but also laid its shakes on the rest of the world. The valley of Kashmir is considered as the hazardous place on earth. Since the partition of India and Pakistan in 1947, the state of Jammu and Kashmir becomes an unresolved land. The people who live there has been at the roots of constant tension between the world’s largest democracy (India) and its neighbor (Pakistan). The uncertainty and lack of any conclusive resolution to the political dispute have left the population of the state of Jammu and Kashmir divided and uncertain about their future. The land of Kashmir, with immense beauty and tourist industry, disappear completely in the face of military invasions and terrorist activities, and gave birth to human rights violations. This article, using the historical method, qualitative approach, and personal and collective memories’ study, tries to elaborate the Kashmir conflict with its implications, and to analyze the hidden truth of Kashmir, which created an alienation among people, and becomes a major reason for the uprising in the valley. Besides that, the article will present the abuses that are still prevailing in the Kashmir valley.
KEY WORDS: Kashmir Conflict; Insurgency; Torture; Enforced Disappearances.
About the Author: Inamul Haq is a Ph.D. Candidate at the Centre for Gandhian Thought and Peace Studies, School of Social Sciences, Central University of Gujarat, Gandhinagar, Sector 29, India. For academic interests, the author is able to be contacted via e-mail address at: mantooinam72@gmail.com
Suggested Citation: Haq, Inamul. (2018). “Kashmir Conflict and Human Rights Violation” in HONAI: International Journal for Educational, Social, Political & Cultural Studies, Volume 1(2), November, pp.129-138. Bandung, Indonesia: Minda Masagi Press owned by ASPENSI and STISIP Amal Ilmiah, Wamena, Papua, ISSN 2621-1653 (print) and ISSN 2621-3621 (online).
Article Timeline: Accepted (September 19, 2018); Revised (October 9, 2018); and Published (November 30, 2018).
Full Text:
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