The Readibility of the Arabic Textbook for the Students of Senior High School in Indonesia Written by Zakiyah Arifah & Nadia Afidati

Yayan Nurbayan, Ihwan Rahman Bahtiar


ABSTRACT: Textbooks are essential parts in learning process for students and even teachers. Textbooks are considered to be the basic foundations of courses. Textbooks may not contain all aspects needed in the teaching and learning process, but their existence as teaching sources is still paramount. This study is aimed at analyzing the readability level of an Arabic textbook for eleventh graders and identifying the factors influencing the readibility. To achieve the aim of this study, a cloze test was used to measure the level of readability of the textbook. This study is a descriptive quantitative approach. A questionnaire was also employed to identify the factors that influence the readability level of the book. This study involved 36 students of grade XI of SMA PGII (Sekolah Menengah Atas, Pendidikan Guru Islam Indonesia or Senior High School, Indonesia Muslim Teacher Education) 2 Bandung, West Java, Indonesia, in the school year of 2016/2017. Three passages from the book entitled “Al-Lughah al-Arabiyah: Bahasa Arab untuk SMA dan Sederajat” [Arabic Language for Senior High School and Equivalent] written by Zakiyah Arifah & Nadia Afidati (2012) were randomly chosen as a sample. The results of the study show that the level of readability of the book was medium with a percentage of 40.6%. This suggests that the book can be fairly easily used and understood by students and they can interact with the book. Guidance and assistance from a teacher is advisable. This medium level of readability is generally caused by the reader factor, specifically the students' reading skill.

KEY WORDS: Level of Readability; Arabic Textbook; Arabic Language Teaching.


About the Authors: Dr. Yayan Nurbayan is a Lecturer at the Faculty of Language and Literature Education UPI (Indonesian University of Education), Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi No.229 Bandung 40154, West Java, Indonesia. Ihwan Rahman Bahtiar, M.Pd. is a Lecturer at the Faculty of Language and Art UNJ (State University of Jakarta), Jalan Rawamangun Muka, East Jakarta, Indonesia. For academic interests, the Authors are able to be contacted via e-mails address at: and

Suggested Citation: Nurbayan, Yayan & Ihwan Rahman Bahtiar. (2019). “The Readibility of the Arabic Textbook for the Students of Senior High School in Indonesia Written by Zakiyah Arifah & Nadia Afidati” in EDUCARE: International Journal for Educational Studies, Volume 12(1), August, pp.25-38. Bandung, Indonesia: Minda Masagi Press owned by ASPENSI with ISSN 1979-7877 (print) and ISSN 2621-587X (online).

Article Timeline: Accepted (April 21, 2019); Revised (June 22, 2019); and Published (August 31, 2019).


Level of Readability; Arabic Textbook; Arabic Language Teaching

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